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Skip the small talk. Connect deeply with others who are passionate about the same things as you.

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Skip the small talk. Connect deeply with others who are passionate about the same things as you.

You crave meaningful connection with others who love the same things as you.

So you dive into books, podcasts, YouTube videos...but

You feel like you're exploring alone

Despite your love for deep-diving into podcasts, books, and YouTube videos, finding others who share your specific interests can often feel like searching for a needle in a haystack. This disconnect leaves you wishing for a community where you belong.

You're ready to move beyond passive comsumption

While you consume a wealth of idea-driven content, transforming these ideas into actionable insights and integrating them into your daily life remains a challenge. Without active engagement or a platform to discuss and debate these ideas, much of what you learn feels underutilized.

You wish your real-life conversations were as deep and engaging

You frequently find yourself at a loss for topics when chatting with friends, struggling to identify mutual interests or content that both of you are familiar with. This often leads to superficial or repetitive discussions that lack depth and engagement.

Ashley – CEO & Dev
15 podcasts /week
50 books /year 😊

We get it.

Ilana – CMO & PR
20 podcasts /week
100 books /year 😅

Podcasts and books are amazing ways to engage with ideas you're interested in. But there isn't a great way to meaningfully connect with others interested in the same ideas.

We both LOVE tuning in to our favorite podcasts and reading an interesting book for our daily nerd-out sesh, but we wish we had someone else to do that with.

You don't have to explore interesting ideas alone anymore.


Download the app

It’s free!!! And we’re working hard with users like you to make it even better.


Join all your favorite communities

Add your favorite podcasts as well as the episodes you’ve listened to recently.

Add all of the thought-provoking books you’d love to discuss with someone.

Be the cool one in your friend group and invite your friends IRL to have more interesting conversations.


Engage in more meaningful connections

Easily recommend your favorite episodes to friends, get recommendations from the community, and know when you explored the ideas in the same podcast episode or book as any of your friends.

All so you can have more meaningful conversations with the people you love – about the ideas you both love.

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Start connecting deeply with others over idea-based content today

Loneliness is now an epidemic

Even when we're more connected than ever.

Americans lonely every week
Americans lonely EVERY DAY
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Don't be a statistic. Pursue deep, fulfilling relationships with others interested in genuine connection over ideas.

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Experience the joy of meaningful connections.

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With the people you love.

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About the ideas you both love.